Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Right of Passage

I went to Wal*Mart tonight. There were a few things I had to get for Brody's Christmas program/party at school tomorrow (which he can't go to because he is sick with a sinus infection and ear infection, but I had already signed up to bring stuff). I had to buy things like Teacher Gifts, Candy Canes, Juice Boxes, and stuff to make cupcakes.

Well, as I was there, I realized that I had goodies to transport to his school tomorrow, and I didn't have any way to do that.

So... I BOUGHT A CUPCAKE CARRIER. It was like I had officially arrived at Motherhood. Yeah, I suppose pregnancy, birth, diapers, spit up, kissing boo boos, potty training, and all that stuff is what really makes me a mom, but I mean, who else has the need to send 2 dozen cupcakes out into the world. I thought to myself as I was picking one out, "This has got to last through at least all of pre-school, primary, and elementary school holiday and birthday parties." I was so excited.

I remember carrying cupcakes that my mom had made for me in her cupcake holder. It was the most exciting day of the year to bring in cupcakes.

My mother was the master at cool cupcake/cake decorations. I have a vivid memory of her sending me off to school with cupcakes for our Christmas party (It was actually a Christmas party back then, not a "Holiday" party). The cupcakes she had made were white with red hots and green icing which looked like holly. She had inserted a small candy cane in the center of each one. The lid didn't fit onto the top of the carrier because of the candy canes sticking out, so she had used saran wrap. I don't know how old I was, but I remember being so proud. When I got to school, everyone thought I had brought the coolest goodies because they had a candy cane in them. I don't even know if I told Mom about this memory, but it is one of my fondest from childhood. Really.

So... tonight, I slaved away making cupcakes for Brody's party. He won't be there to enjoy them, so I kept a few out to have at home. So, in honor of Mimi, the most creative mom ever, here are the cupcakes that will be enjoyed at Brody's Christmas party tomorrow (and there is my new carrier in the back!). Thanks for the inspiration, Mimi, and for being such a loving mommy!

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