Thursday, February 07, 2008

Brody's anti-climactic birthday

So, it was very sad. Brody turned 4. We had all the family in town. We had reserved The Jumpin' Monkey for his party. We had the big chocolate chip cookie... and the balloons... and the favor bags...

and Brody got sick. I mean, the ALL NIGHT kind of sick. So.... we postponed a birthday party. We did eat his big cookie and open the presents from the family that was in town.

After the weekend... they all went home and all got sick, as did I.

No fun.

Then, Monday (his actual birthday rolled around) and it was his day to have his birthday at school. Nope. Sick. Kurt took him in the morning and after he dropped him off, realized he probably should have kept him home, so back home he came.

It was so sad. Poor kid.

We are planning on having his party at a later date. I will have to post the fun party pictures then.

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