Monday, October 22, 2007

A Gazillion Photos!

What an awesome weekend! A very, very dear friend of mine, Charlotte Geary, came to visit for a couple of days. While she was here, she shot some family photos for me and my whole family (my parents... my sister... etc...)

While she was here, we talked (and laughed A LOT) about friends and the people that really know who you are. Charlotte has been one of my greatest friends and I am sure we will always be friends. Whenever we see each other, we fall right back into our friendship and there is usually a lot of giggling and reminiscing.

She and I were in the Annandale High School colorguard together (we were co-captains). We double-dated for a whole year with our boyfriends (which in high school is no small feat!). We stayed friends through college. She was at my bachelorette weekend. We were officemates together (where we can belt out a MEAN Moulin Rouge song at 2am, while riding scooters and pogo sticks). And now, even though we have both moved away from Northern Virginia, she is one of my friends that probably knows me best, because she knows who I have been, who I am now, and will know who I become.

It is a joy to have friends like Charlotte! :o)

Thanks for a wonderful weekend Char, and I can't wait to see some of the photos! I am sure they will be stunning!

If you would like to see Charlotte's work, her link is that right side of my blog. Her photography is incredible.


Charlotte Geary said...

Aw, Jen! You're making me cry here! I'm so lucky to have a friend like you! What are the odds of two friends being co-captains together in high school, and later being officemates as adults? We really have been through a lot together! I can't wait to see what adventures we'll have in the future. One thing I know is that we'll always be great friends. :)

The next time we get together, we should teach Brody how to sing the National Anthem duet, one note at a time.

TheAkersFam said...

ROFL! I had forgotten about that! It is amazing what too much Starbucks can do to you at 3am at work, huh?