Monday, October 22, 2007

no more myspace

Okay, so after only having a myspace account for less than a week, I cancelled my account. I had received requests for people to add me as their friend for lewd and disgusting reasons.

Also, I had people sending me completely inappropriate comments about how good I looked, etc...

So... I don't need that in my life.

moving on....

although, if any of you normal friends out there would like to tell me how good I look. that is always welcome. ;)


Rachel Tramontana said...

Jen, think of all the TEENAGERS who have accounts that their parents don't know about. It's websites like these that force parents to have to "spy" on their kids - and not necessarily because they are worried about what their OWN kid might do/say, but because of what complete strangers write to them. It's sad........

TheAkersFam said...

I completely agree.Isn't it so scary that our kids will grow up into this twisted world?
